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~~~~~ exhibition: The Air We Share, Deutsche Hygiëne Museum, Dresden.

More info here.


~~~~~ perfuming the film Spirited Away, LIFF Leiden 

~~~~ Postcards Postcode Lottery

9 million Scratch & Sniff cards fell on the doorstep of 3 million households. Together with a book about Dutch wild plants. Guess who designed and delivered the scent.

~~~~~ Fleur de Vache

Fleur de Vache eau de toilette is largely based on a tincture of cow manure, although this may not sound very nice, the result is surprisingly pleasant. "It smells like a summer meadow!" is a common response. + fleur de vache


~~~~~ Pine Lust

Frank designed the perfume Dennenlust for the Into The Great Wide Open festival. It was sold out in no time at the festival, but it will be available again at the beginning of November on the ITGWO site and in our online store. dennenlust


~~~~~ Scent. the forgotten sensation

In this book [NL]. Frank Bloem describes his adventures in the world of fragrance. The book takes you to the beaches of Texel, the vanilla plantations of Réunion and... the trenches of the First World War. At the same time, it brings you close to home on your grandmother's couch or to a warm summer pine forest. Order it here or listen as audio book

+ fleur de vache

+ dennenlust

+ boek geur

+ the wandering dutch

+ the snifferoo smell club

+ zeelucht


In 2019, The Snifferoo participated in the extensive project of The Embassy of the North Sea, in which we collected 40 fragrances from the North Sea and realized various exhibitions.

In 2018, at the initiative of Artis, we developed the Elephant Scent installation for the elephant track.

We regularly do smaller projects for artists and companies and exhibitions.

+ Subteras Rolo

+ Menno Kroon

+ Ambassee of the North Sea

+ Artis elephants

+ The Snifferoo popup shop

Frank Bloem

Frank Bloem is perfume maker and smell designer. From 2014 he shifted from visual art to smell.  

In 2016 this resulted in the funding of The Snifferoo.


+ Curriculum vitae Frank Bloem

+ Teaching workshop lecture

+ Points of Sale


tel .: +31644718080



Berberisstraat 16, 1032 EL, Amsterdam


Bank account: NL64 TRIO 0198 5462 46
COC: 34335030
VAT: NL002077117B54

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© 2021 Frank Bloem

pictures by:

Annelies Verhelst (products)

Cleo Campert  (ambassade van de Noordzee)

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